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Matthew Duddy
Matthew Duddy is a chiropractor in Avondale, Pennsylvania (PA) at Avondale Chiropractic Center. At his family practice, Dr. Duddy is able to provide treatment for individuals who have suffered work injuries, auto injuries, herniated discs, whiplash and much more. With over 30 years of experience as a chiropractor in Avondale, PA, Dr. Duddy is committed to giving his patients a chance to heal without the need for drugs or surgery. The friendly staff at Avondale Chiropractic Center is always happy to help patients with any questions they may have about treatment, insurance or billing.
If in need of a chiropractor in Avondale, PA or southern Chester County, please call Dr. Matthew Duddy at Avondale Chiropractic Center and make an appointment today. Avondale Chiropractic Center has easy same-day office hours for the convenience of their patients.
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